Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Reflection for October 28, 2014

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven."(Luke 6:37)

I'm usually more for things that tell me what to do, not what not to to do.  However this verse gives me both.  I certainly don't want to be judged.  I don't wish for others the critique that comes with it.  Therefore I try to avoid judging.  It may be true that we judge things all the time.  If I say I like something I've judged it.  Same if I say I don't like something.  So perhaps the real problem lies not in the  judging, but having it become a way of being, judgmental.  We all know judgmental people. Not only do they do the analysis in their head regarding something, but they feel entitled to share their conclusions.  This may not be so bad if their conclusions are positive, a good restaurant for example, but when the only thing that comes out of their judging is what's wrong with something or someone, then there is a real problem.  Are they ready for a huge critique and analysis of themselves by someone else?  Probably not.

What usually follows the negative judging is condemning.  The putting down of others, the continuous ridicule, the shaming.  And if we're really full of ourselves will let those folks know that it is God doing, we're just God's mouthpiece.  Again are those doing the condemning, whether they take ownership of it, or try to make it all about God, are they ready to face the same level of scrutiny?  And worse, what if God isn't all that pleased with people putting words in his mouth?

The last part those is phrased in a positive, the commandment to forgive.  Can we be the type of people who don't harp on faults and don't hold onto hurts?  If we expect others to give us another chance when we have an all to human moment, when we are less than perfect, then we have to do the same.

Where I really find it helpful is that in living a life that is more forgiving of others and myself is far healthier in the long run, than judging and condemning others and ultimately myself.


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