Sunday, January 3, 2016

Reflection for January 3, 2016

" Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life."(Genesis 9:14-15)

With the level of business that most of us have, reminders can be important.  We get them in all sorts of ways, we have our datebooks, calendars on our phones that beep at us.  It used to be that some might tie a string on their finger, of course you had to remember why you did that for it to be useful.

There are signs to remind us to do things, or to be careful of hazards ahead.  Whenever someone tells me something orally I tell them to remind me of what was said by emailing me or texting me.

Today's passage is the familiar story of the rainbow.  All of us have seen a rainbow after a storm, but we don't see them as reminders necessarily.  Most of us even know the science of why a rainbow occurs.  They are still inspiring to see.

The best part is the rainbow in Genesis is a reminder for God, not for us.  When God sees it he will remember.  There is a comfort to me that even God needs reminders, and if it is something as beautiful as a rainbow all the better.


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