Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reflection for February 10, 2015

"Joy was in fact the most characteristic result of all his ministry to ragamuffins."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 10)

What brings you joy in life?  I know for me it is being with people, especially people who I love and care about.  I've known joy in seeing good things happen to people I care about.  I experience joy sometimes just in the fact that I get the gift of another day.  I experience joy when I've had a moment to commune with God and invite the presence of Christ into my day.

If our faith brings us joy, then why do I sometimes encounter people who have joy in Jesus but seem angry at everything else.  How did that relationship which seems so positive build into such a negative attitude towards others?  I don't get it.

Is my joy complete?  Not yet, but it gets closer everyday.


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