Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reflections for 6/16/11

"The story of Christ is where we all started from, though we've come so far since then that there are times when you'd hardly know it to listen to us and when we hardly know it ourselves...the story of Jesus, where we all started, is like being suddenly called by your childhood name when you've all but forgotten your childhood name and maybe your childhood too."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 160-61)

If you grew up in a faith community, mine happens to be Christian, then there is undoubtedly parts of your faith experience that our foundational. 

I suppose for most Christians it is the old kids song "Jesus Loves Me this I know."  I think St. Paul would call it in his writings spiritual milk.  It is certainly a good starting off point.  The longer we stay engaged with our faith the more we build upon those original foundations.

Yet sometimes with all the other experiences in life and the further knowledge we get about faith and other matters that foundation can get forgotten.  Much like that name we had as a kid.

As far as I can remember I've always been Ed.  Never Eddie.  Edmund, my given name, is rarely used.  And those who try to get formal often call me something else.

I wonder if because I've never lost sight of that foundational piece of my faith that the name I'm still called, by those who know me well, walks hand in hand with my relationship with Christ.  I do think I've gone beyond milk, but I still love a cold glass of it, have it daily with my cereal and enjoy dairy products.  I'm glad I haven't become lactose intolerant spiritually either. To know that I am beloved by God and others is quite nourishing indeed.


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