Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reflections for 11/11/12

Today is Veteran's day.  At church we will remember all veteran's in our prayers and we'll sing Eternal Father Strong to Save aka the Navy hymn.

Certainly I've known many veterans. I have relatives and close friends who have served our country and were willing to risk their lives for the freedom we enjoy here.  I am not a veteran.  The closest I came to the military was being an Eagle Scout.  While I don't support war, I don't think to many people actually do, I've never been of a mind set that sought to blame the actual military personnel. I'd rather question the politicians that create a need for them.

This week also brought to us the election.  This was the eighth presidential election I have voted in.  I'm batting .500 in voting for the winner.  While my candidate did win this time, I've been watching the reaction of my friends and others who supported Mr. Romney.  Some seem to be doing okay, but a good many look and are acting as if they were the victims of a natural disaster that they didn't know was coming.  And I find myself wondering how that happens.

What in our lives catches us so off guard that when things don't go according to script one is left feeling like they need to grieve?  I've tried to ask myself how I would have reacted to the election had it gone the other way?  My hope for myself is that I would have taken it in stride, and not acted as if the apocalypse had occurred or someone near and dear to me had been tragically killed.

Part of my inner hope is that I know I did not invest a lot of emotional energy in my candidate.  I vote and that's about it.  I don't post signs, I don't forward emails.  I'll admit I don't pay much attention to what the other side is offering, but that might happen at some point.

Here's what I do know, that no matter how the election went, I was still beloved, by God, by my family, by my friends and by my church.  As long as I have that no election can destroy me.

So today, like many Sundays I'll pray.  Pray for those who are still in shock from the election. Pray even more for those who lost everything in the recent hurricane.  Give thanks for people who give sacrificially in the service of our country and to helping folks who have been dealt a serious blow.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reflections for 11/4/2012

One of my favorite days in the church year was today, Sunday after All Saints.  While All Saints has its own official day, someone in their infinite wisdom figured out that moving it to Sunday more people would here it.

Today I'm thinking about the presence of "saints" in my life.  So I should start by saying that for me a saint is sort of the heroes/heroines of the faith.  Many of them of course have made it into the annals of history both inside and out side of the church.  A closer reading of their lives would show us that.sainthood never equates to perfection. It often points to an ability to move beyond one's shortcomings and to make a difference in the lives of others.

I know that in my life, I've had living saints, people who have helped me understand my faith in new and different ways at different points in my life.  I also know there are saints who have been there for me at a unique moment in time, and sometimes I was unaware of it.  Most if not all of these folks will not make it onto the church calender but their impact on my life and perhaps others is undeniable.

I hope that in some ways I've been a "saint" to others.  That in some way I've impacted someones life in positive ways that I may not even know about.

I doubt they will name a building after me.  I doubt that I will ever be recognized beyond the microcosm that I live in.  What I do know is this, I will continue to strive to do all that I can to be a light in the world.
