Friday, February 20, 2015

Reflection for February 20, 2015

"The world does not understand such vulnerability."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 20)

Being vulnerable has such a negative connotation.  It implies that we are at risk of something awful happening.  When you here someone is vulnerable then you know you might be able to overcome them.  You start to search for that weakness.

To actually proclaim one's vulnerability to risk being taken advantage of, to risk losing would take a very brave or a very trusting person.  If I choose to show you were I'm weak, I hope that you might not take advantage of it. 

Jesus on the cross reveals his vulnerability and also the invitation to come within the reach of that saving embrace.  It is hard to imagine that there is strength in weakness, yet that is one of the greatest messages throughout scripture.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Reflection for February 19, 2015

"Our hope our acceptance of the invitation to the banquet, is not based on the idea that we are going to be free of pain and suffering.  Rather, it is based on th3 firm conviction that we will triumph over suffering."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 19)

Part of my vocation is being with people who are going through pain and suffering from time to time  I wouldn't say it was my favorite part of my job, but it is one to which I am called on frequently. 

Certainly in death we see being freed from pain and suffering, but the essential message of the Gospel isn't about death ending pain and suffering in a biological sense, because that will be true for people who don't have faith.

It is the triumphing over it, the belief that it doesn't have the final say that is an important component of the faith.  When I go through periods of pain and suffering in my own life, it is my faith that sees me through it.  And I have certainly witnessed folks drawing on their faith in the same way.  And when I see that kind of faith I am inspired to keep on keeping on myself.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Reflection for February 18, 2015

"Forgiveness is granted: they need only the wisdom to accept it and repent."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 18)

There are many things in life that are hard to accept.  Bad things happening to good people.  Children getting sick and dying.  I sometimes find it hard to accept a compliment.  But I'm working on it.  I've learned to just say thank you.

I wonder if I'd have the same problem accepting forgiveness?  If I had done something so wrong that it needed to be forgiven, would the overwhelming sense of remorse get in the way of hearing, and then accepting any forgiveness offered. 

I would hope so, because in order to truly change, to repent, I would have to make the space to accept the forgiveness which is always the first step in actually turning things around.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reflection for February 10, 2015

"Joy was in fact the most characteristic result of all his ministry to ragamuffins."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 10)

What brings you joy in life?  I know for me it is being with people, especially people who I love and care about.  I've known joy in seeing good things happen to people I care about.  I experience joy sometimes just in the fact that I get the gift of another day.  I experience joy when I've had a moment to commune with God and invite the presence of Christ into my day.

If our faith brings us joy, then why do I sometimes encounter people who have joy in Jesus but seem angry at everything else.  How did that relationship which seems so positive build into such a negative attitude towards others?  I don't get it.

Is my joy complete?  Not yet, but it gets closer everyday.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Reflection for February 9, 2015

"There is no fear in love."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 9, 2015)

I will have to admit that I spent most of elementary school feeling afraid.  I know I was loved by my parents and by God, it was the rest of the people that I encountered that had me afraid.  I had good reason, I was an easy target for bullies and had no knowledge of how to defend myself.  And eventually you get to a place where you begin to doubt the love of others.

However there came a turning point where love helped to cast out that fear.  How it happened isn't as important.  But the end result was a freedom to love others because I was no longer afraid.

Scripture tells us that perfect love casts out fear.  And by tapping into the love of God for me, it helped me to see and appreciate more the love that others had for me as well.

And when you're no longer afraid, you can take the risks necessary to extend love to others and to receive it back.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Reflection for February 8, 2015

"Our sincere desire counts far more than any specific success or failure."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 8)

Hey at least you gave it your best shot.  Sometimes that is the words I will use when talking myself through a failed attempt.  If I can look myself in the face and say you did all you could do and you wanted it then nothing else matters.

I wish that were 100% true but it isn't.  I can feel just as exasperated when I fail especially when I wanted to succeed and can't find out what went wrong.  Yet the call is to keep striving.  If something works out I suppose that's icing on the cake.  And certainly in those times when something has gone according to my heart's desire, I know and can celebrate it.  But again I'm not called to cling to that success.

How badly I desire something worthwhile and how many setbacks and accomplishment am I willing to endure and or enjoy to arrive?



Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reflection for February 7, 2015

"It takes time for the water to settle. Coming to the interior stillness requires waiting. Any attempt to hasten the process only stirs up the water anew."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 7)

There are certainly times when I have felt like I'm caught in very turbulent waters.  Where so much is happening all at once that I almost feel like I'm going under.  But when I take time and try not to control everything all at once, it gives the least important things a chance to settle down and be given their proper place in my priorities. 

And sometimes when I just let things alone for a while, that inner stillness does show up. But if I decide I need to have complete control and keep struggling to balance all these things it is amazing how fast the turbulence comes back, because I'm actually the one stirring things up.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Reflection for February 6, 2015

"But whenever I allow anything but tenderness and compassion to dictate my response to life.- be it self-righteous anger, moralizing, defensiveness, the pressing need to change others, carping criticism frustration at other's blindness, a sense of spiritual superiority, a gnawing hunger of vindication-I am alienated from my true self."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 6)

I try very hard to not react in these ways when dealing with other people.  No matter how much they may be annoying me I try to use a more compassionate response to them.  I do this because it is how I'd want to be treated when I may be that annoying human being.

I also know that when I encounter people acting in those ways, I don't really wish to be around them, and I find it very hard to take what they are saying seriously.  Perhaps it comes from the act that I know that these stances are a cover for a much deeper problem.  The person they are more likely at war with is themselves.

I'm reminded of the passage where Jonah says he's angry enough to die, over a bush no less.  And God points out that the way of truly being like him is not the anger but the compassion.  And because I've been treated compassionately by God, that is what truly being me is about.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reflection for February 3, 2015

"I find comfort (perhaps perverse pleasure) in knowing that the rock on which Jesus would build the Church, sank like a stone."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 3)

While Peter isn't my favorite Apostle, I do have to admire his perseverance.  He gets it wrong often yet never throws in the towel.  He may be the patron saint of extroverts.

But it is good to know that even people who sometimes speak when they should think.  Who act impulsively with sometimes disastrous results, can still be loved and can be given another chance to try again. In fact might even go on to great things.

It is God's patience with us even when we are our own worst enemies that gives me hope.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Reflection for February 2, 2015

"Jesus says simply, 'Make your home in me, as I make mine in you.'(John 15:4 JB).  Home is not a heavenly mansion in the afterlife but a safe place right in the midst of our anxious world...."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 2)

It has been about a week since I blogged.  I don't have any excuse really.  I guess there are times when the burden is to great to even take a moment to reflect.  Last week was just that kind of week, that perhaps I just needed to head to that safe place for a bit.

I know that sensing God's presence in the midst of all that was happening is probably what kept me somewhat sane.  I know I will need to tap into that safe place for awhile, but I also need to get back to a normal routine and I feel that encouragement that comes from the presence and love of Christ.
