Thursday, February 19, 2015

Reflection for February 19, 2015

"Our hope our acceptance of the invitation to the banquet, is not based on the idea that we are going to be free of pain and suffering.  Rather, it is based on th3 firm conviction that we will triumph over suffering."(Reflections for Ragamuffins February 19)

Part of my vocation is being with people who are going through pain and suffering from time to time  I wouldn't say it was my favorite part of my job, but it is one to which I am called on frequently. 

Certainly in death we see being freed from pain and suffering, but the essential message of the Gospel isn't about death ending pain and suffering in a biological sense, because that will be true for people who don't have faith.

It is the triumphing over it, the belief that it doesn't have the final say that is an important component of the faith.  When I go through periods of pain and suffering in my own life, it is my faith that sees me through it.  And I have certainly witnessed folks drawing on their faith in the same way.  And when I see that kind of faith I am inspired to keep on keeping on myself.


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