Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Reflections for 3/3/10

"God needed to keep one part of his world 'back to basics' it seems. And here it is: spirituality, family, sex, food, celebrating without occasion, life and death unashamedly." (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 116)

Fr. Rohr wrote this while touring Africa and he was speaking specifically about somewhere in East Africa, though he doesn't say where. My hunch is it is probably in the bush somewhere, not downtown Nairobi.

He is of course viewing their world through the lenses of our overly complicated and stressed out world view. And at that moment could see a sort of "Eden." A simpler life compared to ours and in some ways, and probably important ones, a better one.

We'll talk about getting back to basics, taking stock in what we believe is essential to life, usually when things have gone wrong or we get overwhelmed by an emptiness. I look at his list and wonder whether these are part of my "basics." I certainly see myself as spiritual, I long for and sense God's presence in my life, and enjoy my conversations with God (prayer time). My family is my most basic unit of support and meaning, two of my roles, husband and dad are lived out there. I believe sex is a basic part of life. Life doesn't exist without it, biologically speaking and in the proper context is an appropriate expression of mutual love. Food is of course right up there with shelter as a basic need, and Lord knows I love food. Celebrating without occasion, now that would be a great basic to have again. To view life as worth living, to see every moment as a reason for thanksgiving, sure beats the opposite. Life and death unashamedly, for me this would stem from the previous statement, and also living in such a way that you never have to hang your head and finally dying with dignity and not being afraid of death.

What are your "basics," what could you truly not live without? And is today a good day to get back to basics?


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