Monday, May 24, 2010

Reflections for 5/24/10

"Yes, our eyes are opening. We're discovering that we North Americans just might be the most unliberated, and therefore the most ready for liberation. We who have the greatest blindness think we don't need liberation. We think Time and Newsweek tell us the whole truth, and we are content with that worldview. We must fight that blindness with vision."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 197)

I have to admit I too have a "worldview." It is like most things slightly tinted and filtered through an array of experiences and certainly biases.

I will also admit that while I like to filter my news through the comedy lenses of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, I know that they have a bias. I've generally asked of most "news" what the source is. I have yet to find any unbiased reporting.

While print media is waning in influence, we could just as easily change Time and Newsweek to some Cable News Channel or some internet blog. All of them just as biased in their reporting.

What I have found much more eye opening is to try and be in conversation with those who are different than me. Rather than assuming that I know what they are really thinking, I'd rather get it straight from the source. That of course is not easy to do.

I also have found that another good way of figuring out what is the truth, is to ask questions of myself. Why am I responding in this way? What within myself needs addressing? Why does this push my buttons? And then perhaps move onto, how might my faith inform my reaction.

I probably need some liberation from my suburban world view. That will take time, it's pretty much all I've ever known. But how freeing to allow others to have their story authenticated rather than filtered through my tinted lenses.


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