Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Reflections for 6/30/10

"When we have lost our unity, we have just plain lost."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p.235)

One of the greatest confusions of this era I believe is the difference between unity and uniformity. I believe we are at a place where we'll claim to seek unity, but we really mean uniformity. We want complete agreement, especially we want our way of thinking to be what is agreed to. That is not unity that is uniformity.

Uniformity to me is boring, stunted and easily dismissed and changed. Unity is a different matter.

Unity for me is not found in the specifics but in the overarching vision of what is possible. A shared vision of where we want to go. When you get the unity, it is in the diversity that the way to achievement is found.

I'm at my best when engaged in healthy dialogue with those whose way of seeing things is different than mine. It is quite possible that they may be seeing something that I am not.

Within the church, the body of Christ if you will, I cannot say to the "right" hand, I need thee not.

If I can maintain my unity along whatever hat I'm wearing, then I can work through some of the disagreements. But even those that remain at an impasse need not necessarily lead to disunity.


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