Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reflection for November 26, 2014

"But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task",(Psalm 73:16)

Like most of you I've been overwhelmed by the opinions on the Ferguson decision and the aftermath that followed.  The lines are clearly drawn, and there is rarely a middle voice heard. I try to listen to both sides and still find myself thinking the issue is incredibly complex and much of the truth is lying under the surface.

The processing of the overload of information and opinion is probably the most tiring.  There is also the real fact that I have to constantly remind myself of the lenses through which I'm viewing this, that of an educated, middle class, white, male.  The hard part is that my sympathies lie one place.but I know that I play a role in the systems that continue ferment and grow.  I also know that I grow weary of the dismissive attitude of some of my social location who refuse to engage the topic and by their vitriol and self righteous tone are only making it worse. 

It is hard work to think on all the issues that Ferguson brought to the surface again.  Most I will not be able to solve.  But no matter how tiring just thinking about it can be.  There can really be no rest until these issues are truly understood, taken seriously and ultimately dealt with.


Reflection for November 25, 2014

"From oppression and violence he redeems their life; and precious is their blood in his sight."(Psalm 72:14)

Monday evening the Grand Jury findings were released in the case of Officer Darren Wilson.  The verdict pretty much went as expected, no charges filed.  I am sure for Officer Wilson at a certain level breathes a sigh of relief.  His actions were seen by that jury as appropriate given the circumstances.  I heard a brief interview with him where he certain regrets the loss of life.  I can't imagine anyone who caused a loss of life who isn't a sociopath not feeling some level of remorse.  In many ways his career and name are tarnished forever.

The reaction to the verdict was also regrettably predictable.  There are people who will take a tragedy and make it worse. Especially if there are cameras rolling.

The whole case and many like it raise lots of questions for me.  The predictable reaction of many with no direct connection to Ferguson MO, was also predictable.  We choose to focus on the violent reaction rather than the violence that triggered it.  We don't want to address a question of why our police are not going out with partners? Would Officer Wilson have acted differently if he weren't on his own?

Do we want to talk at all about why being a police officer is not a career choice that people of color generally pursue?  I was told that many can't pass the background checks.  Yet I can't help but wonder if a young person's experience with the police has not been positive and there are few roll models for them to see, why they would even consider it.

I've seen people post stories of black cops killing unarmed white teens and asking "where is the outrage!?"  Too which I'd say yes where is the outrage?  Why aren't you outraged that we haven't figured out how to define where the line is with the use of deadly force by sworn officers of the law.  Instead we bring these examples out to seemingly deflect away from the larger underlying issues.

As a white male, I really won't ever fully grasp what a black male goes through daily.  I'm generally treated well by the police, I'm given the automatic benefit of the doubt, my example of white privilege.

As a person of faith, I hope for a day when all of us can find redemption from the violence and oppression that we experience.  And when everyone's blood is seen as precious in the sight of everyone.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Reflection for November 24, 2014

"The sick man answered, 'Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me.'"(John 5:7)

Have you ever been waiting for something? An opportunity to do something or take care of a problem and yet when the moment is right, you either don't have the help you need to accomplish it, or someone else gets there just ahead of you.

It often feels like we are striving on our own and often fall just short, or someone else gets the very thing we sought.

It may be that we actually don't see the help that is right in front of us.  It may also be that we are striving for something we don't actually need.

I look at the invalid in this passage and can see those parallels in my own life.   Too narrow a focus on how to achieve my goal.  No one to help me, and others too quick or better at the game than I.  Frustrating no doubt.

From a faith perspective perhaps I'm called to see where God is acting with me in all of this.  Have I asked for the right thing?  Or do I need to broaden my definition of what the right thing is?

I know what I'd like to see happen, and I've waited a long time for all the stars to align.  And that waiting and only seeing one answer might be why I've been unable to achieve my goal.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Reflection for November 22, 2014

"Let those who say, Aha, Aha! turn back because their shame."(Psalm 70:3)

Have you ever felt like you fell into a trap. Or somehow had your words twisted around in such a way that you wound up contradicting yourself, or admitting to something you hadn't actually done.  And inevitably there seems to be someone there to point out your miscue.  And they seem to gloat as you stand confused or perhaps even embarrassed.

The fact that there are folks who take glee in the mistakes of others is truly sad.  That there are even people who deliberately set others up is also reprehensible.  I know I'm turned off by folks with their aha's and gotcha.  Really?  That's what makes you feel powerful or superior?  Please.

That we might hope that they would just go away feeling ashamed by their actions is something to hope for.  Regrettably unless someone stands up to them.  Calls them on their non sense.  The aha's will have it.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Reflection for November 21, 2014

"Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him."(John 3:17)

If you were a sports fan in the 1970's and 1980's you may recall seeing at many a televised sporting event a guy with a rainbow wig and a cardboard sign that said John 3:16.  Back then I had no idea what he was referring to.  Of course I now and for 20+ years understand that he was using his prime location seats to share the good news of Jesus Christ, that God so loved the world......

And while I certainly embrace that Good News I love the verse that follows as much.  That Jesus didn't come here to condemn us.  So it sort of begs the question for me.  If Jesus didn't come to condemn why do some of his followers feel they must?  Are they mad that Jesus didn't share the same zealousness for fault finding and finger pointing?  Are they saying he blew it we better take over?  Of course I need to be careful or I may fall into the trap of condemning them.

That the world through Christ might be saved is important.  For me it is in the believing and then the following the example that I as a part of the world get saved.  Saved from myself primarily.  Reminded regularly that there are other people who are just as beloved as I am.  Who need the same compassion and mercy that I've been given.  They don't need Austin 3:16, "I just whooped your ass" but a hand up, a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Reflection for November 20, 2014

"And he said to him, 'Everyone serves the good wine first, and the the inferior wine after teh guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.'"(John 2:10)

Have you ever noticed that there are people who get off to a great start but as time goes on, their efforts diminish, what impressed you at first isn't happening anymore.  Perhaps they hoped you might not notice what was currently happening and only recall how good things were in the beginning.

But saving the best for last, almost seems counter intuitive.  Hey we might not be interested by that point.

Vanessa Williams had a song about that with such memorable lines as "sometimes the very thing you're looking for is the one thing you can't see."  And I think there's something to that when I reflect on good wine coming now.

The thing about that "first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee" is not only only water into wine, but more so for me that Jesus brought something forth from a place no one expected it. He didn't fill empty wine jars, but jars whose purpose was something else.

And doesn't that happen too in life. That things that we really need come from unexpected sources.  That what starts out as a seemingly empty jar can bring forth the best stuff.  And maybe for those of us who start off a little slower, who aren't as flashy.  This might be good news indeed.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Reflection for November 19, 2014

"The Lord said to Joshua, 'Stand up! Why have you fallen on your face."(Joshua 7:10)

For the last couple of days my reflections have perhaps been a little melancholy.  Frankly that's where I was.  I wish I could say that things have taken a turn for the better, they haven't.  But last night as I went to bed after getting rejected yet again, something began to change for me.

I had been brought low, perhaps even to a metaphorical falling on my face. But as I lay down on the air mattress while spending the night with two homeless families being housed at a local church, I began to see my plight in a different way.  Perspective has a way to do that.

When the alarm went off, another day had dawned.  A day when I knew I would get to go home to a warm house.  I'd be greeted by a wife who loves me unconditionally.  And that this pity party I'd been engaging in, wasn't changing anything.

So this invitation to stand up, I accept!  Doesn't change the slump, but reminds me that the slump cannot be gotten out of if I'm lying down face first by my own choice.

So today back to trying, reminding myself that I'm still standing and it is a much more comfortable place to be and easier to see where you need to go.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Reflection for November 18, 2014

"He said to them, 'why are you frightened and why do doubts arise in your hearts.'"(Luke 24:38)

If I were privileged to have a one on one with Jesus, he might very well ask me that question today. He'd notice that I'm not my usual self.  My doubt is not actually a doubt about him, the resurrection or anything faith oriented.  The doubt is self contained.

I would probably lay out what is scaring me right now.  I'd hope that he'd just listen, let me air it out.  Of course since I believe that to him all hearts are open, all desires known and no secrets are hid, he already is well aware of the problem.  I'm sure he'd tell me he understands, he's been there himself.  And that not to lose hope but to keep walking with him.

If he were to ask about the doubt, I know my answer would be I have evidence to support my conclusion, and I'd like to see the other possiblity but it is hard to change the viewpoint at the moment.  Again I would hope to be listened to, and believe that I am heard.  I might be invited to turn around to not get to calcified and to persevere.

You haven't been forsaken ever, why should this time be different.  Keep moving brother, keep moving.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Reflection for November 17, 2014

"I hereby command you; Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."(Joshua 1:9)

There are certainly periods in my life when I could have used somebody telling me this, at least the what not to be.  I spent too much of my youth being frightened.  Courage lacking, strength not existent.  Awkwardness, in abundance.  Frightened by others who had strength or at least appeared to. I don't know about being dismayed as much.  Because it spite of being scared, much of my life went reasonably well growing up.  Disappointments? Sure who doesn't have those, but never to the extent of feeling like nothing will ever go right.

Sometime around high school I started to get strength, being a wrestler will do that.  Courage still lacking a bit, but more of it than I'd had before.  And I think I became strongest and most courageous in college and that hasn't left me.

But I'll have to confess, that I've lately felt dismayed.  Not frightened because what is causing this dismay is not based in fear, but in a current reality.  Could things change?  Of course?  And I sure hope so.  But I may need the strength and the courage to defeat that feeling.

The truth of it all though is the final part, that God as been and is still with me even when I'm in a valley period and feel like I'm chasing wind.  And it is that still small voice that calls me, be strong, be courageous, dont' be frightened, don't be dismayed.


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Reflections for November 15, 2014

"Father if you are willing remove this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done."(Luke 22:42)

There was a scene from the Simpson's where Bart found himself praying for a snowstorm so that school would be cancelled so that he could avoid taking a test.  His sister Lisa saw him and said "prayer, the last act of a desperate man.". It snowed by the way, and Lisa reminded Bart who was ready to go out and enjoy the snow that he had prayed for this and should use this answered prayer wisely.

How many of us have been in that kind of situation where we have prayed to have something happen, anything, that might get us out of a really bad situation.  We are not sure ourselves how to do it, so we ask God to act on our behalf.  I know I've been there.

But I also know that if I am to model my life and that includes my prayer life after Jesus, then I too have to be willing to say, your will be done.  I don't believe that God's will is for me to suffer or anyone else for that matter.  What I have found to be true is that while I may not be rescued out of every if any situation, I am often blessed with a way to endure it and come out from it in tact.  Changed perhaps, maybe even a little wounded, but not utterly defeated.

That's not to say that we shouldn't pray for specific things, but we need to remember that what we pray for may not always be what we need.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Reflection for November 14, 2014

"So make up your minds not to prepare your defense in advance."(Luke 21:14)

If you are someone for whom public speaking is a part of your life, the idea of not preparing in advance is a little frightening.  I can't imagine coming into a Sunday morning service where I'm scheduled to preach and not have given any thought to what I was going to say.  I'm sure the same is true for lawyers, teachers, and politicians among others.

There are times when we may be called upon to make some remarks without knowing it but that is pretty rare.

But there are also times in life when we know a confrontation of some kind is coming. And we immediately begin to work out what we will say.  Our adlibbed lines being well rehearsed, and yet failing us when we really need them. 

Sometimes this is because the confrontation we prepared for doesn't materialize.  Yet it is still hard to not try to be prepared for it.  I'd like to trust that the words that are needed at that moment will be given to me.  And sometimes those turn out to be the best kinds.  But first we have to not play out the perceived scenario.  Not try to anticipate what will be asked.  But wait for the question or the accusation and go from there.  If for no other reason than we may have guessed or anticipated wrong from the start.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Reflection for November 13, 2014

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live."(Deuteronomy 30:19)

Back in the 80's the band Wham had a video for their song "Wake me up before you go go."  In that video the singers sported white t-shirts with CHOOSE LIFE in black letters across the front.  I remember thinking that was strange.  I probably thought Wham was strange anyway.

Even then I associated the words Choose life, as being the call of anti-abortion groups.  I now realize that choosing life, goes well beyond whether to continue a pregnancy or not.  Choosing life for me has become a cry to not give up, to not lose hope, to continue to move forward in spite of all the odds seeming to be against me.

Choosing life as presented here was more about staying in relationship with God.  So I'll make that choice.  It means for me living my life the way God would have me live it.  It means saying no to things that draw me from that relationship. It means saying not to things that wish to make me afraid, bitter or cynical.

Choosing life for me means that I will always seek the good for all people, helping where I can and when I can.

Choosing life is the response I give in God giving me this life to live.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Reflection for November 12, 2014

"Then the other came, saying, Lord, ere is your pound. I wrapped it up in a piece of cloth."(Luke 19:20)

One of the normal tensions in life is between taking a risk or playing it safe.  We do this often.  We might try to go outside of our comfort zones or just maintain the status quo.  People may invest their money in high risk but potentially high reward investments, while others put a dollar bill in a box.

The thing about the risk vs. play it safe model is that there is more evidence that risk taking pays off.  When we take the step outside of our comfort zone we find that in fact the world of opportunity opens up.  And with each success our confidence grows.  And even in failure, if we've taken the risk we might at least gain some wisdom from the experience and be willing to try again.

When we play it safe there is little hope for anything.  We certainly get nothing other than another day to muddle through.  We learn nothing.  And stay stuck.

When given an opportunity to try something what will our response be.  I'm not talking about trying things that can be literally deadly but things that might not work out.  Two of the folks in the parable saw success, they took a risk and it worked.  The person who played it safe, got nothing and lost.

I hope that when I'm given an opportunity I will have the courage to make the most of it.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Reflection for November 11, 2014

"When Jesus heard this, he said to him 'There is still one thing lacking. Sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.'"(Luke 18:23)

I don't own a lot of things.  So this challenge to sell all that I own is hard for me to picture.  Jesus uses the challenge because the person who asked the question, heard Jesus answer, continued to press the point.  And then came this final challenge.

There are things in our lives that keep us from fully living.  The ironic part is that often they are objects.  And that is the real challenge to be able to first let go of things, second to use the new found money, time or whatever it might be in some constructive way.

The hard part is to first acknowledge what is holding you back.  But once you've freed yourself from it.  The following of Christ and living a life that truly reflects who you are becomes easier.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Reflection for November 10, 2014

"So you also, when you have done all that you were ordered to do say, 'We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done.'"(Luke 17:10)

I'm trying to get back normal after a few days of vacation.  I will admit that this has been greatly hampered by feeling really worn down, and probably having a cold.

I'm trying to get done what I can do, and I know I should just be kind to myself and heal and rest.

But there's that part of me that wants to do more and yet can't find the energy at the moment.

I don't want to call myself worthless just because I've only done what I'm supposed to do, yet I know that I can get on my own case when I see others out doing me, or at least seeming to do so.  Maybe there are times when I go above and beyond, but it doesn't often feel that way.  I'd like to be more driven, in hyperdrive 24/7, but it just isn't me.

Perhaps I can from time to time, do a little more than is expected of me.  It may also be true that I already am doing it, but being my own worst critique, I fail to see anything but the minimum.
