Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reflection for November 26, 2014

"But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task",(Psalm 73:16)

Like most of you I've been overwhelmed by the opinions on the Ferguson decision and the aftermath that followed.  The lines are clearly drawn, and there is rarely a middle voice heard. I try to listen to both sides and still find myself thinking the issue is incredibly complex and much of the truth is lying under the surface.

The processing of the overload of information and opinion is probably the most tiring.  There is also the real fact that I have to constantly remind myself of the lenses through which I'm viewing this, that of an educated, middle class, white, male.  The hard part is that my sympathies lie one place.but I know that I play a role in the systems that continue ferment and grow.  I also know that I grow weary of the dismissive attitude of some of my social location who refuse to engage the topic and by their vitriol and self righteous tone are only making it worse. 

It is hard work to think on all the issues that Ferguson brought to the surface again.  Most I will not be able to solve.  But no matter how tiring just thinking about it can be.  There can really be no rest until these issues are truly understood, taken seriously and ultimately dealt with.


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