Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reflections for 5/5/11

"When Jesus is asked who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, he reaches into the crowd and pulls out a child with a cheek full of bubble gum and eyes full of whatever a child's eyes are full of and says unless you can become like that, don't bother to ask."(F.Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 115)

I'm blessed to have kids.  Yes they can sometimes be a challenge. Sometimes they know how to push my buttons, but just as often, if in fact not more often, I enjoy their company.  Part of it may be that I watch them try to maneuver awkwardly through life, just as I did.  Part of it is that we happen to enjoy the same things, sports, loud music.

Not every thing they do reminds me of me.  Nor should it. But when  I observe their interaction with their world in all its goofiness, there are times that I'm reminded that there's still basically a big kid in me.

I still want to have fun. I still believe I know everything, and yet continue to learn.  I still basically want to be loved and accepted.  There is an enthusiastic energy in many kids, and we adults would do well to become like that.

There are certainly challenges and temptations that my kids face that I didn't.  And while I have no wish to go back to my own childhood, I wouldn't mind tapping into some of what I see going on with young people.

I said at the beginning that my sons can sometimes be challenging and annoying, and push my buttons. Funny thing, there are adults who do the same thing.  And yet like my sons, I still enjoy their company quite often.


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