Saturday, May 7, 2011

Reflections for 5/6/11

"Who can say when or how it will be that something easters up out of the dimness to remind us of a time before we were born and after we will die?"(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 116)

I saw that phrase easters up and had to pause for a moment and think about it. I'm pretty familiar with the big "E" Easter, the day and the season, but have never seen it used as a verb.  For me it brings the idea of something coming back to life that hadn't been for awhile. either in thought or deed.

I know that hearing a song on the radio can often take me back to a different time in my life.  And at the same time, because my musical taste hasn't changed much it also is a part of my present.  Certainly pictures do this. When you see an old photo and try to recall what was going on.  And I suppose just about any of our senses do this for us.

It is part of that bringing the past into the present.  I try not to make it an escape from my present back to something in the past, that probably wasn't as grand as I recall, but still important.

Having just been back to my seminary, I'd have to say that it didn't have the same hold on me. I saw some familiar faces, but not a lot of them.  The buildings are the same physically but are not the same emotionally.
I hope this summer to visit my college in Iowa.  I understand that much has changed physically.  It will be interesting to see if being there easters anything up.


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