Friday, July 10, 2015

Reflection for July 10, 2015

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."(Matthew 9:36)

When I was ordained my dad preached.  What I recall most about that sermon was his emphasis on the word compassion.  To feel with others.  Compassion for me flows from empathy and sympathy.  But it certainly indicates a relationship that exists and where help is coming forth.

As a Christian I believe Jesus to be that shepherd who sees us harassed and helpless and longs to help.  As a priest I try to model my ministry after Jesus.  When I notice folks harassed and helpless and perhaps just plain lost, that I look to be that shepherd who keeps things moving in a safe and loving way.

When you feel harassed and helpless, where and to whom do you turn?  When you encounter folks who are harassed and helpless, can you be the living incarnation of the Good Shepherd?


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