Thursday, July 9, 2015

Reflection for July 9, 2015

"For they made his spirit bitter, and he spoke words that were rash."(Psalm 106:33)

There seems to me at least two things that we do when we are angry or annoyed.  We either go silent or we start running off at the mouth, speaking before we think.

When someone has pushed your buttons, pushed you to your limit, the mouth often leads the push back.  And when things have calmed down you realize that you just said something you wish you could take back but it is now too late.

For Moses the people's whining in the wilderness got him to that point.  And instead of trusting that God would provide he made his rash statement "can God do this?" get water out of a rock.  That one moment of rashness caused him to not be able to enter the promised land.

How do we get to amend for the words that we speak in the heat of the moment?  The first step is of course to recognize our rashness and then to seek forgiveness from those whom our words hurt.  It is really amazing how much our words can become our own undoing.


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