Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Reflection for July 14, 2015

"I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter."(Matthew 12:36)

If you had to give an account for every mistake and hurtful thing you ever did, would you be able to?  Probably not.  Now if that seems hard, imagine how much harder to be held accountable for every hurtful, careless word you ever uttered.  And yet Jesus says in this passage that is exactly what will be required of us.

We know our mouths can get us in trouble.  How often do we say something spur of the moment in response to someone or something and later wish we had kept silent.  Sometimes we get to enamored with the sound of our own voice.

In our age of social media where little is said but much is shared I wonder if Jesus' teaching could be applied?  You will have to give an account for every stupid, false or hurtful meme you chose to share.  Every polemic you chose to forward.  Maybe we might take some time before hitting send or share.


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