Thursday, July 16, 2015

Reflection for July 16, 2015

"But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, 'Lord save me!'"(Matthew 14:30)

I'm not sure really which disciple I identify with the most, but Peter, who I'm sure is an extrovert is one.  He always seems to think with his mouth first.  In the scene from which the verse is taken, Jesus is walking on the water. The disciples think it is a ghost. Jesus says no it is him and Peter says if it is you command me to come to you.

Why does Peter do this?  Basically he is speaking from a place of doubt, if it is you.  Then when Jesus says come, he doesn't hesitate, even though as a fisherman he should know that you don't walk on water.  And while the euphoria of doing the impossible is great at first he suddenly notices that the wind was still there, the aspects of nature that make life hard and he starts to sink.  Jesus literally has to pull him up.

I know that experience of being at first willing to take the risk of getting out of my "boat" or comfort zone if you will.  And when I take that risk I'm often surprised by the positive things that begin to happen.  I can do things I didn't think possible, but I went forth in trust that God was calling.

But it is also true that when things get a little a shaky I may begin to doubt that first decision.  And things start to sink.  But if I recall that initial trust,  I can get pulled back on track.  Of course the question is still the same, why did I doubt.

Trusting the presence of Christ is what Christians are called to do, especially when we choose to leave our comfort zones and take some risks.  But if we keep our eye on the goal, the winds and doubts might not be so distracting.


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