"But the best part of the story is the short, no-nonsense prayer with which he married her. 'And now I take not this my sister for lust, but in truth,' he said. 'command that I and she may find mercy and grow old together. Amen'(Tobit 8:8-9) Never has the knot been more securely or simply or eloquently tied, and it's small wonder that it lasted them through a long and happy marriage that did not come to an end until Tobias died in peace at the age of one hundred and seventeen."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.112)
There was a wedding this weekend. Well there was probably more than one, but certainly the most talked about wedding was the one in England between Will and Kate. The couple certainly looked marvelous. The day seemed filled with joy throughout the realm. While I didn't see the service, by all accounts it was very reverent and what a wedding should be. No surprise really, we Anglicans know how to do liturgy.
I hope for them and for every couple that started their lives together yesterday that it will be "until death do them part." Is there a secret to such success? That I don't know. I suppose a good part of the potential starts with a right beginning. Why is that person you are choosing to hopefully spend the rest of your life with, the right one?
As I look back on my own courtship etc., what did I see in Gail. Certainly she's pretty, but what I really remember about our first date was how she showed an interest in the Bush-Dukakis debate. Current events and an intelligent conversation were also present.
When we got married there was more than just a physical attraction, though that was certainly there. We also had the Tobit passage read at our wedding. That prayer continues to be the foundational hope for me, that she and I may grow old together. I suppose in our mid 40's we're not quite old, but we're still together and seem to be heading towards fulfilling that promise.
For those reading this who might be married or partnered, what about your husband, wife, life partner caught your fancy? What keeps you wanting to grow old together still? How do you keep each day feeling like it was your first date?
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