Saturday, May 7, 2011

Reflections for 5/7/11

"The joke of it is that often it is the preacher who as steward of the wildest mystery of them all is the one who hangs back, prudent, cautious, hopelessly mature and wise to the last when no less than Saint Paul tells him to be a fool for Christ's sake, no less than Christ tells him to be a child for his own and the kingdoms sake."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" pp.116-117)

I'm not a good judge of my preaching.  People tell me they find my sermons interesting, that they always give them something to think about.  And of course there's always the nice sermon Father, really enjoyed the message.  I have been told that I clearly don't know Jesus once by a Baptist. I didn't know what to do with that one.

I probably am cautious and prudent in my preaching because there is a part of me that doesn't wish to offend from the pulpit.  I rarely give any political opinions and try to find a reasonably common experience from the bible readings appointed that day.

I certainly have been known to be funny and a little bit crazy from time to time, but not in a way that would divide the hearers.

Could I see a time when I might take bolder steps in my preaching. Maybe. But I try to know what my congregation needs to hear and what they can bear.


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