Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reflection for December 5, 2013

"In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."(John 14:2,12, 27)

Usually I just find one verse in the assigned readings to reflect on but today the 14th chapter of John had three verses that I have always found helpful and inspiring.

When I think of the many rooms that I've called mine they each have represented very well who I was at that time.  I remember my bedroom in Metuchen, covered with it's rock posters, the loud music blaring out of my stereo as I spun my records.  Or listening to Mets games on the radio and falling asleep.  The closet with it's shelves, and a window that looked out to the back yard.  The next rooms that I recall where at Grinnell, 4 different dorm rooms, the first two I shared with others but claimed my space again making it reflect me.  The last two my own with objects that defined who I was at the time.  I had an apartment next and it had a small and temporary feel to it.  And it was that metaphorically as well.  As I grew up and shared my life with Gail, our room, our house began to reflect us.  Still does.

The second verse that I noted I've always felt challenged by.  Am I actually being told that I can out do Jesus?  I certainly believe that I am called to model my life after Christ, but I am not called to be Christ.  But I do have a ministry there are "works" that I am called to do and perhaps the challenge isn't to do better than Christ himself, but to do even greater works than I'm already doing.  To become more of who I am called to be.

Then that last part about the peace that Christ gives.  That peace isn't always an absence of conflict, though that's nice, but a confidence in the presence of Christ at all times.  That relationship with God through Christ is radically different from what the world gives us.  That relationship with Christ, invites our hearts not to be troubled and not to be afraid.  The peace that I am left with is the absence of fear.


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