Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Reflection for June 10, 2014

"So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels."(Psalm 81:12)

Most of us have known someone who is stubborn.  A person so set in their ways, or who dig their feet in that to deal with them seems to be an effort in futility.  If it is someone of a passing acquaintance probably not that big a deal.  However when it is someone we have to deal with daily or who we love deeply it can be a very big deal.

While I generally will admit to following my own gut instincts on things, I do try to bounce off of at least one other person what I'm thinking.  A different perspective is sometimes really helpful.  Some push back might help us to see a little more clearly and to perhaps make a more informed decision.

When the only person we listen to is ourselves then trouble often follows.  While we may know ourselves pretty well, it isn't to hard to be blind to our faults either.

For those of us for whom our relationship with God is important, then the counsel of God, which can be discerned through prayer and reading and meditating on God's word found in scripture needs to be a part of that decision making as well.  Why I like to have at least one other person along with myself in wrestling with issues is because where two or three are gathered God is present. Therefore all who I need to listen to can help me hear.


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