Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Reflection for June 17, 2014

"So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll; and he said to me, 'take it and eat ; it will be bitter in your stomach, but sweet as honey in your mouth."(Revelation 10:9)

I have certainly had experiences of eating something that tasted good at first but came back to revisit me with a vengeance a little later.  There are also times when I've said something that I thought was the right thing to say, that later on just caused me a bad feeling in my gut.

I think that happens from time to time, our mouths make proclamations that we believe should be taken one way and our received another. Or a few moments after the words are literally out of our mouth we wish we could take them back, before anyone has a chance to actually digest what was said.

I guess it is true that we literally have to be careful what we "swallow" both food and thoughts.  Both have the potential to nourish and satisfy and also the potential to make our stomach's churn.


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