Sunday, September 12, 2010

Reflections for 9/12/10

"What concerns me is when we say we're doing it all for Jesus, or purely for love, or for our spouse or children, or for the Church. That's usually a delusion. We're doing it in part for ourselves, and God, in great love and humility, says 'That's what I work with. That's all I work with!' It's the mustard seed with which God does great things. Thank God!"(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 306)

At one time or another we have all been motivated to do something. We also have had to make decisions to do or not do something. What's fascinating to me and especially when I self-reflect is the why.

I would hope that I do things for others because it is the right thing to do. But to be completely honest, I am sure there's a part of me that's waiting for that word of appreciation. That's done it to be noticed in some way. I also know that I can say I'm choosing to do something, or not do something for my kids or my wife, but deep down inside it has much to do with my fear of choosing. It is convenient to lay the blame elsewhere.

The Bible says that I can do all things through God. It doesn't say I'll do all things for God. It is incredible to think that God can actually do something with a person like me. With my insecurities, my hangups, my needing to be noticed. Yet God does.

I'm always impressed when I meet a talented person who can do some incredible things with very little material or resources. In those instances I get a glimpse of how God works. Doing incredible things with very little.


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