Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reflections for 9/15/10

"Trust is not making a virtuous decision; it's not a leap of faith without any evidence. It's recognizing that every human situation is a mixture of both life and death, that the big truths are usually are complicated truths. We are a mixture of darkness and light, life and death. Every action we perform has some quality of life to it, yet some quality of fear and self-protection. When we can accpet that there is no perfect anything, we can find peace in this world."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 308)

When I have had a decent day, I can sometimes fall into hyperbole and say it was perfect. The weather was perfect, is an example of this. I'm not sure what perfect weather is, probably depends on the day of the week. During the summer, every weekend is supposed to be sunny, no humidity and in the upper 80's. It's near armageddon if there are any variations, which of course there usually are.

There are no perfect relationships. There are certainly good ones. Perhaps that's why the marriage vows, say "for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health." For a relationship to be strong it has to be able to live with the good and the not so good.

When we spend all our energy trying to make everything perfect, we are usually to drained to actually enjoy whatever it is we've attempted to create.

I'm still learning to live with the paradoxes of life. To stay comfortable in the ambiguities that most situations present. Life seems to me to have all sorts of shades and variations to it. Probably makes life more interesting.

Maybe that's why the Genesis creation story needed us to get kicked out of Eden. We'd be truly boring if we never had any adversity in our lives. I wouldn't want 24/7 adversity either, that would be hell, but occassional reminders that everything doesn't always work out how I would like it to, is quite healthy.


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