Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reflections for 9/22/10

"Feminism is not new or liberal or dangerous; it's very old, quite conservative, and as traditional as Mary and the eight Beatitudes."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.316)

One time while channel surfing I ran across Mother Angelica. If you are not familiar with her, she is an old school Roman Catholic Nun, who has a show on EWTN, I believe.
The time that she caught my attention she was blasting away at feminists. As I sat and listened to her, the only thing I could think is that the very people she seemed to loath, are the ones that make it possible for her to even be speaking publicly with any level of authority.

It is funny to me how the notion of women having power is somehow threatening. To a certain extent I understand the fear from my fellow males, hey we might get replaced. They may be able to do some of things we do. I would see it more as challenge to strive to do better, to live more fully into my gifts, rather than coast because of my gender.

But I honestly don't get the anger towards feminism that comes from women. Unless it comes down to not actually being happy that someone has gotten farther than them, and or the expectations might be higher now.

The Bible does say that in Christ there is no male or female, yet Christians have and continue to put structures in place that will value one over the other. It really makes no sense to me. I'm looking for people interested in doing ministry, in partnering with me to improve our world, their gender plays no role for me in their ability to do.


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