Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reflections for 3/17/11

"True faith. A simple life. A helping hand. She said those was the three things prized most in heaven. On earth it was a fair wife, a stout ox, a swift hound. Beg not, refuse not, she said. One step forward each day was the way to the Land of the Blessed. Don't eat till your stomach cries out. Don't sleep till you can't stay awake. don't open your mouth till it's the truth opens it."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 70)

I have a friend who often shares a quote from one of is relatives, "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." We all have heard these kind of wise sayings. Ben Franklin was famous for them if I recall.  Of course scripture also has a bunch.

As I looked at these little pears of wisdom that Buechner offered via a character in his book, I tried to think how I was doing living into them.

True faith? What exactly is that?  I'm true to my faith, but is my faith the true faith?  Actually the true faith is the problem, true faith isn't really a bad thing.  A simple life? Hardly, I can get caught up in the materialism of my day as well as the next person.  I'd love to live a much simpler life.  I'm sure I'd be happier.  A helping hand?  I sure try.

The part that really spoke to me though was the idea of one step forward each day.  I do try to keep moving forward. Sometimes the steps are gigantic, other times they feel more like baby steps.  The key of course isn't the length of the stride, but the striding itself.  When I'm not moving, not progressing, not growing, I find that trouble starts to come around the corner.

When the time comes to be still I hope it will be because I've completed the journey.


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