Saturday, March 26, 2011

Reflections for 3/26/11

"[Jesus] never approached from on high, but always in the midst, in the midst of people, in the midst of real life and the questions that real life asks." (F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.78)

I love that last line, " the questions that real life asks."  It seems to me that we don't ask those questions much.  We compare our lives to some "ideal" usually portrayed in movies, or held out by the ideologues of our time.  We here others defining what our questions should be, and pursue the answers to those things, in order to avoid dealing with our own realities.

I often read incredibly simplistic and shallow answers to what are incredibly complex and deeper questions.  And have found it to be true that when an answer is seemingly obvious, it should be looked at a lot closer.  Often it creates more questions than it offers solutions.

I wish I could separate out like strands of spaghetti every issue in my life that I'm confronted with. Unfortunately life is much more like a tapestry that focusing on one loose thread only and not seeing what it is attached to makes the whole thing unravel.

I find it hard sometimes to deal with all the real life questions I'm confronted by.  I'm thankful for my faith which gives me the foundation and the framework within which to seek those answers.


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