Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reflections for 3/20/11

"Erc said, 'There are three devils forever leading us into sin, boy. Would you be knowing their three names?' 'The tongue in our mouths is such a devil.' Brendan said. 'the eye in our heads another. The thoughts of our black hearts the third.'"(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 73)

I'm not a believer in the Devil, or devils.  I do easily acknowledge evil in this world.  I also admit to ways that lead me astray from what God would want me to do or be.

So do I acknowledge these "three?"  Let's see has my mouth ever gotten me in trouble. Regrettably yes.  I have at times spoken, before thinking about the effect of my words.  I have just lashed out, without regard to the consequences.

Have I allowed my gaze to go from where it should. Again regrettably yes.  Do I focus on things that I don't need or will not improve my lot in life. Yep.

Have I actually had uncharitable thoughts, or allowed myself to come close to despair. Yep.

But I also have known that amazing grace, that even when one of those three has gained some control of the moment, they are quickly kicked out of the driver seat.  I have also experienced the incredible feeling of forgiveness when they've gotten me to do their worst.

I have come to know the difference in when the Ed that God wants to be has control of his mouth, his eyes and his heart.  I'm a lot less anxious, a lot less remorseful, and usually a lot more pleasant to be around.


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