Monday, March 18, 2013

Reflection for 3/18/13

"So that with the eyes of your heart enlightened."(Ephesians 1:18)

I've always liked this image of heart having eyes.  Perhaps it is because I tend to see things through those eyes.  I form my opinions that way.  When I see my wife, the eyes of my heart are definitely enlightened.  When I see the plight of others the eyes of my heart get enlightened.

When our heart's eyes see what is happening around us, we can get called to act.  A call to action in the service of others is the hope that Christ calls those of who profess faith in him to.  It aids in our seeing the beauty around us in the world and in others.

When we close the eyes of our heart, we become blind to the needs of others.  We can only then see what is wrong with the world and begin to lose hope.  I'm glad my heart's eyes stay open.  I see and understand so much better that way.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Reflections for 3/6/13

"What you know, I also know. I am not inferior to you."(Job 13:2)

You gotta love Job. As beat up as he is, he still stands his ground.  His "friends" lecturing him left and right, and yet he still stands his ground.  That's confidence, not only in his own righteousness, but in his knowledge and love of God.

We may think it strange to question God or to be willing to risk that face to face with God, and yet that is exactly what Job is doing.

There are certainly people who are smarter than me out there.  There are also plenty of folks who are stronger than me physically.  And I will gladly acknowledge when someone knows more or can do more.  But I also can tell when someone is at least my equal.  And am willing to call their puffery when it is obvious.

I enjoy learning but I don't enjoy an unmerited bravado.  It took me a long time to not be intimidated by folks who were my equals. It makes it easier to be in the presence of smarter folks when you believe that you too also are smart.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reflections for 3/5/13

"Each of you must give as you have made up your mind not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."(2 Corinthians 9:7)

What was the last thing you cheerfully gave to?  Was your gift money, some object or perhaps your time or talent?  In church speak we call this stewardship and we are called to practice it in all aspects of our life.

I know that I cheerfully give of my time to my vocation, to my family and to my friends.  There has never been any reluctance to do so because I do it out of love for those folks.  I'm certainly not under any compulsion, at least most of the time.  I will admit that that here are times that a gentle prodding can often get me moving because sometimes I get stuck in a rut.  But once I've invested fully in what's happening I'm there.

I also give cheerfully of my treasure, eg. money, to my church, and to my college and seminary.  Again I don't have to give to any of those institutions but they play and have played important roles in who I am today.  Frankly I'm not as cheerful when I have to pay bills, but then again that's under compulsion.

Where are the places and people that gladden your heart and that you gladly give to?  What are the people and places you feel reluctant to do so, yet you have no real choice about it?  Can the first type of giving redeem the second?
