Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Reflection for October 22, 2014

"We remember the fish we used to eat in Egypt for nothing; the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions and the garlic."(Numbers 11;6)

It is funny how when we are in a place where things aren't going well, one of the first things we do is try to remember better times.  If we can put ourselves mentally back to a place where we thought everything was perfect, or at least where our current problems didn't exist, then maybe we can endure this period.

I'm just as capable of historical escapism as the next person.  I can create a "golden age of Ed" but the truth will always be that I'm ignoring the parts that weren't so great.

The Israelites remembered all the good food they had in Egypt!  And when you're hungry and eating pretty bland stuff day after day, I suppose it is understandable.  They of course forgot the reason they left Egypt in the first place, the harsh mistreatment as slaves.

The journey to a brighter future is rarely without some level of pain.  And we may recall the good things of our past.  But rather than being a source of comparison, we might be better off using them as a gentle push to keep moving forward.


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