Monday, October 27, 2014

Reflection for October 27, 2014

"And no one after drinking old wine desires new wine, but says, 'the old is good.'"(Luke 5:39)

I don't know very much about wine.  I certainly have heard people talking about certain years being great for some reason. But basically I'm clueless.

I do know that in life, there are things we get used to, and believe that they are good.  It can be music, books, worship styles almost anything that isn't actually objective in measurements.  All's I'm stating is a preference for one thing over another.

And while I can get stuck in my tastes, I do try to occasionally look at new things.  I'm not always convinced that something new is necessarily the best, but if I can broaden my horizons all the better.
There isn't necessarily anything wrong with having preferences, the problem is when we become frozen in time, and rigid in our opinions and unwilling to allow others to enjoy something else.

Growth for me occurs when while knowing what I like, experiencing new things and perhaps adding them into my list of what brings me joy in life, can only increase my love for living.


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