Friday, November 14, 2014

Reflection for November 14, 2014

"So make up your minds not to prepare your defense in advance."(Luke 21:14)

If you are someone for whom public speaking is a part of your life, the idea of not preparing in advance is a little frightening.  I can't imagine coming into a Sunday morning service where I'm scheduled to preach and not have given any thought to what I was going to say.  I'm sure the same is true for lawyers, teachers, and politicians among others.

There are times when we may be called upon to make some remarks without knowing it but that is pretty rare.

But there are also times in life when we know a confrontation of some kind is coming. And we immediately begin to work out what we will say.  Our adlibbed lines being well rehearsed, and yet failing us when we really need them. 

Sometimes this is because the confrontation we prepared for doesn't materialize.  Yet it is still hard to not try to be prepared for it.  I'd like to trust that the words that are needed at that moment will be given to me.  And sometimes those turn out to be the best kinds.  But first we have to not play out the perceived scenario.  Not try to anticipate what will be asked.  But wait for the question or the accusation and go from there.  If for no other reason than we may have guessed or anticipated wrong from the start.


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