Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reflection for November 25, 2014

"From oppression and violence he redeems their life; and precious is their blood in his sight."(Psalm 72:14)

Monday evening the Grand Jury findings were released in the case of Officer Darren Wilson.  The verdict pretty much went as expected, no charges filed.  I am sure for Officer Wilson at a certain level breathes a sigh of relief.  His actions were seen by that jury as appropriate given the circumstances.  I heard a brief interview with him where he certain regrets the loss of life.  I can't imagine anyone who caused a loss of life who isn't a sociopath not feeling some level of remorse.  In many ways his career and name are tarnished forever.

The reaction to the verdict was also regrettably predictable.  There are people who will take a tragedy and make it worse. Especially if there are cameras rolling.

The whole case and many like it raise lots of questions for me.  The predictable reaction of many with no direct connection to Ferguson MO, was also predictable.  We choose to focus on the violent reaction rather than the violence that triggered it.  We don't want to address a question of why our police are not going out with partners? Would Officer Wilson have acted differently if he weren't on his own?

Do we want to talk at all about why being a police officer is not a career choice that people of color generally pursue?  I was told that many can't pass the background checks.  Yet I can't help but wonder if a young person's experience with the police has not been positive and there are few roll models for them to see, why they would even consider it.

I've seen people post stories of black cops killing unarmed white teens and asking "where is the outrage!?"  Too which I'd say yes where is the outrage?  Why aren't you outraged that we haven't figured out how to define where the line is with the use of deadly force by sworn officers of the law.  Instead we bring these examples out to seemingly deflect away from the larger underlying issues.

As a white male, I really won't ever fully grasp what a black male goes through daily.  I'm generally treated well by the police, I'm given the automatic benefit of the doubt, my example of white privilege.

As a person of faith, I hope for a day when all of us can find redemption from the violence and oppression that we experience.  And when everyone's blood is seen as precious in the sight of everyone.


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