Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reflections for 4/1/10

"Sometimes we think we are being heroic in not letting God love us. We want to do the loving thing ourselves. Yet only when Peter capitulates and allows Jesus to minister to him does he experience the meaning of Jesus." (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 143)

Today is Maundy Thursday, the beginning of what is called the Tridiuim in the church. At many liturgical churches (Roman Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran) foot washing will occur, following the example of Jesus to his disciples as told in Gospel of John.

This year I will not be doing it. For one thing, I usually had to twist arms to get people to come up, and two I want to try something different this year.

Many of my parishioners seem to have Peter's attitude, "you will never wash my feet." There's a level of uncomfortableness in it. This probably is an example of how hard it is to let anyone do anything for us. While this is just a ceremonial act, it is true that most of us, have a hard time letting anyone do something unsolicited for us. Part of it may also be that we may have to do something in return that we may not be prepared to do.

I also find it interesting that it is the feet that get washed. In Jesus' time of course everyone was either walking barefoot or with sandals and feet got quite dirty. It was proper etiquette to wash your guests feet or at least have the servants do so. Now we're not as loving to our feet.

Yet our feet bear all of our weight. When they really hurt, it is hard to move. So it is interesting to me that they usually get ignored except when they cry out.

Where in our lives do we need to allow our feet to be taken care of. Where do we need to let go of our pride and self-reliance and let God take care of us, usually in the form of other people. Where can we be Christ for someone else, doing something for others that they may need, but are afraid or ashamed to ask?


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