Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reflections for 4/14/10

"Make us not afraid of life and not afraid of this earth. Make us strive for justice and believe in peace. Make us not afraid of the cross and neither afraid of the Resurrection. Make us, Creator, not afraid of enjoying this world, of celebrating and protecting this world." (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 157)

The commandment not to be afraid, "fear not" is all over the Bible. While I'm not sure the exact number of times it occurs, it is far more prevalent than any commandment on sexuality for sure.
Yet so many people always talk about being afraid. Of course we live in a society that thrives on fear mongering. Not only of "other people" but sometimes of even enjoying life itself.

I try not to be afraid of life, and certainly love going outside of my home, though I do love my home also. Striving for justice, means for me to not cave in to the fear mongering. To be able to take a stand when one is called for. Believing in peace must also begin with myself. Can I let go of some of the petty anger that flares up from time to time.

I don't fear death but I won't try death defying stunts either. I don't fear resurrection because I believe the newness and difference it invites me to is worth having.

I want to enjoy all that the world has to offer, that is beautiful and worthy. There are things of course in this world, that may appear pleasurable, but are not worth having. I want to live a life of celebration while not exploiting and taking advantage of the gifts God has given.


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