Monday, April 26, 2010

Reflections for 4/26/10

"People and nation-states do have a right to safety and security. A certain degree of it is necessary for psychological, economic and human growth. But this is quite different from the overarching and overbearing need that now seems to dominate all other human concerns. What allows us to think that food, housing, education, welfare, ecology, medicine, aesthetics, the animal and plant world, wisdom, family and holiness are all supposed to be put on hold until American people can feel absolutely secure and victorious."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 168-169)

Most debates and even arguments that I've either engaged in or listened to from afar seem to fall into the realm of priorities. Whether it be the ongoing debates in the Federal Government or at the State level. About the mission of the church. Even about a households stewardship of their time and treasure. It comes down to what you think is actually important and worthy of attention.

The problem of course is that all of it is worthy of attention. Nothing listed by Fr. Rohr is of lesser importance, but he is right in that we often put other issues to the side, especially when we feel afraid. When we operate out of a place of fear we will default back to only our immediate interest, and will placate only to the voices that advocate the importance of one set of values at the expense of others.

Faith for me is something that keeps me from caving into fear. Faith for me assures that with out having to go overboard, I can actually live with a reasonable level of security. Faith also calls me to look beyond myself and to the good of the entire world, not just my little piece of it.

Do we sometimes have to prioritize? Probably if we really want to get anything done. But if something has been put on the back burner so to speak, we are called not to lose sight of it, but to give it its moment in the forefront.


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