Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reflections for 4/13/10

"We pray that our lives can be a real adventure, that you can open some new parts of ourselves, that we can recognize and love some new parts of own manhood and womanhood" (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 156)

What would it mean to have life be an adventure? Most of the time life feels more like a roller coaster. An adventure in my opinion would mean, first going to a new place that I hadn't been before, packing some essentials, but seeing where the path goes, without necessarily knowing how it will all work out. In the old TV show "the Little Rascals" I remember one line where someone ask where the other person was going, the reply "I don't know but I'm on my way."

Paul writes in Corinthians that we know in part and then we will be fully known. I've always heard that as an invitation to continue to grow as a person. There may still even after 44 years be some aspects of me that I haven't realized or have never allowed to come out and play. Parts that could make me more complete and perhaps even better equipped to be fully engaged with the world.

The key would be to when encountering that part of Ed, to learn to embrace, nourish and love that part as much as I've loved the parts that are already clear.


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