Monday, September 5, 2011

Reflection for 9/5/11

"We also know that words spoken in deep love or deep hate set things in motion within the human heart that can never be reversed."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 238)

When was the last time someone said something deep to or about you?  Either a compliment or an absolute verbal assault. The kind of phrase that left you stunned either positively or negatively.

We run into a lot of shallow stuff daily. Pious platitudes, sound bite statements. Compliments that we aren't sure are deserved or what may be behind them.  We also know the callous sarcastic barb, the teasing, the name calling, the baiting.  A lot of heat generated but not much light.

I'm sure in my lifetime I've received some words spoken from deep love for me. I am fortunate that I can barely recall a handful of deeply hateful words hurled my way.

I hope that I've said more words out of a place of deep love than hate.  I also hope that the balance of my more shallow moments are from at least a place of love as well.


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