Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflections for 9/11/11

Today of course is the 10th anniversary of the terrorists attacks here in America.  Most people over the age of 15 can tell you what they were doing when they heard the news.  Of course there are many folks for whom this day will always be filled with sadness, having lost a loved one in the attack.

I recall sitting in shock not believing what I was seeing.  I certainly had concern for my relatives who live and work in Manhattan.  There was so much confusion.and it was hard to get through to folks with the disruption to cell service.  And of course over the next week and days it was just a sad as we watched the outpouring of grief.

10 years later, the day fell on a Sunday.  There was much to do without even thinking about the 10th anniversary. I also knew there would be know way to pretend that it wasn't any different day.  The Gospel lesson was about forgiveness.  In my sermon I reflected that I thought forgiveness was not my first response 10 years ago.  Who was I supposed to forgive.  Even 10 years later, that question remains unanswered, except for the idea that all forgiveness that I offer is not for the other but for my spiritual well being.

I know that life was altered permanently 10 years ago.  I know that the symbolic targets still hold sway for me. Our economy has not been the same since.  Our military is spread across the globe on the offensive.  Our politics seems even more divided.

I also noticed something tonight at our Ecumenical Service. The predominant demographic at this service was older folk.  I'm not sure what that means.  Do events like this play out differently across the generations?  Probably so.

I know that I continue to hold in my prayers the families of victims of this heinous act. And I pray also for all of us, even if we didn't know someone personally who died.  All of us were affected and continue to still live in a very different world than the one we knew before.


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