Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Reflection for June 16, 2015

"So I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it; it was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter."(Revelation 10:10)

We're all familiar with the phrase you will eat those words.  That usually means that what you say may come back to haunt you.  No matter how sweet and satisfying things may seem at first, especially if they are said from a place of anger or bitterness, ultimately they wind up causing you an upset stomach.

Sometimes the nastiness is so obvious that it is like eating rotten food as soon as it hits your stomach you are sick.  Of course it may also take a while for what we've done or said to sink in, to digest, and again a very bitter feeling emerges.

I try to make sure that what I say won't come back to haunt me later.  I also try not over indulge, which while momentarily pleasurable also causes uneasiness.

When our words are chosen with thought as to how they will ultimately wind up being understood we have a greater chance of no feeling sick to our stomachs.


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