Monday, June 1, 2015

Reflection for June 1, 2015

"I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them; I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh."(Ezekiel 11:19)

It has been a couple of months since I blogged.  I have no excuse really accept perhaps I just wasn't feeling it, too much else going on that was distracting me and frankly perhaps a hardening of heart for it.

I know that biologically speaking the heart is a muscle that when it isn't working we are literally dead.  But the metaphorical language of the heart as used by Ezekiel also speaks to me.  Things that are soft and alive can in fact harden over time.  Our attitudes towards things and people.  An indifference to things that use to matter.  All of these can feel like a heart of stone.

We will often talk of having a change of heart and I find that often is the Holy Spirit giving me that jump start that breaks that heart of stone, but puts back in a heart of flesh, one that beats, gets the creative juices flowing again and energizes me to do things that bring me joy.


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