Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Reflections for 10/17/2011

"Sleep is a threshold I drift toward like leaves."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.277)
I slept pretty well last night.  My dreams were as strange as always, but I felt rested when I woke up.  I didn't have an alarm or cats to wake me.  The bed at the hotel was comfortable and the room quiet.  While I certainly missed my wife, I do know that while she sleeps better when I'm home, I tend to sleep better the few times I'm by myself.

Sleep is something all of us need.  Our bodies learn to adjust to how much we give them in comparison with how much they need.  I seem to need generally 6 hours and when that is not enough naps come on.

Buechner's image of drifting toward like leaves seems quite accurate for many things in life.  In the fall leaves seem to gather and blow around all over the place.  There is an aimlessness about it.  I don't like to think of my life as aimless but what is going to happen each day and what the future holds for me are not entirely clear.

I'm not an evergreen for sure, but I do believe that much like the oaks, and maples that I find beautiful, new leaves always appear in the Spring.


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