Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reflections for 10/26/11

"Sometimes wishing is the wings the truth comes true on. Sometimes the truth is what sets us wishing for it."(f. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.286)

Wishing,  according to Jimminy Cricket your supposed to do it on a star.  "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, give me the wish I wish tonight."  When it is your birthday you're supposed to make a wish and blow out the candles. I think for most of us, those kind of wishes are not anything we believe will actually occur. 

One of the hurdles to wish fulfillment is that often we may have to do something beyond wishing for it.  I might wish to win the lottery, however if I never buy a ticket, I will certainly guarantee that I won't win.  I also know the odds aren't real good that even if I did buy a ticket that I would win.  I might wish that I could lose weight, but unless I'm willing to make the necessary changes in my eating habits in addition to exercising, that too will be an unfulfilled wish. 

However as Buechner wrote, sometimes wishing for something to happen is the means to opening the door or beginning the process of change.  Once I can see the possibilities I might start to wish for them in reality and seek the way to make it happen.


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