Sunday, November 13, 2011

Reflections for 11/13/11

"It is curious that in the matter of deciding his own fate, Jesus reached the same conclusion as Caiaphas and took it in the neck for the sake of many, Caiaphas included. It was not, however, the laws of mathemeatics that he was following."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 301)

I've never been very good at math.  My hunch is has more to do with a lack of wanting to know, more than ability.  I certainly know the basics.  I'll admit to being confused by the way math was taught to my children. I really couldn't help them, because I learned those formulas differently.

Much in life seems to be simple math.  Economics, our bank accounts, family budgets.  How much time something will take. Without numbers and an ability to count most of us would be lost.

However there is much in life that just doesn't add up.  There are also times when we must move forward even when the numbers aren't on our side.  Perhaps that is what Buechner meant by Jesus not following the laws of mathematics when he chose to die.

I wish more of life was as simple as 1+1= 2.  Yet that never seems to be the case.  The fact of that equation hasn't changed, but its application to my experience in life is something different.


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