Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Reflections for 11/23/11

"For a moment what he believes or doesn't believe Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison- and as at snow, dreams, certain memories, at fairy tales, the heart leaps, the eyes fill."(F. Buechener "Listening to Your Life" p.307)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  I'd put it up there with Christmas for sure as a holiday laced with memories.  I'd have to say mostly positive.  Growing up we seem to rotate around my father's family, each brother taking a turn to host.  Always food, lots of food.

In High School there was always the annual football game Metuchen vs. Highland Park.  I don't know if they still play, but I recall going to that game every year, as a member of the band, football games weren't an option.  I also remember coming home from college and going to the game, seemed like one big reunion.

This year we're staying put, not going anywhere and no one coming.  I'm a little sad about that, but schedules and lives change.

I also remember taking my boys to see the Macy's thanksgiving day parade, a benefit of in-laws living in Manhatten.

I know that underlying those memories are glimpses of joy and reminders of the things that I'm thankful for.  I've seen other things that stir memories songs, pictures, even reacquainting on Facebook.

May this holiday be one with glimpses of joy.


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