Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reflections for 11/16/11

"That means the Bible is a book about you and me."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life."  p. 303)

The Bible is certainly one of the most beloved and even at times controversial books out there.  It is the central document if you will of the Christian faith.  2/3 of it is central to the Jewish faith.  There are people who read it religiously (pun intended) and those who read it without any faith at all.

We read various translations.  We argue about the meanings of texts. And there are times when the texts let us have it.

Vocationally I get to read the Bible on a regular basis.  But in those times when I'm not reading it for work, I will admit that I try to find my part in that book. What are the biblical stories that reflect very well what it is to be me.  The context may change, we're not ancient middle eastern goat herders after all, yet what it means to be a human, with all its joys and sorrows, the inner conflicts of trying to live right and yet falling short, are all there.

And depending on what's going on in my life who I relate to more in any given biblical story changes.  And that's not a bad thing.

I suppose as a reasonably avid reader I have found myself projecting into many books.  But I have consistently found that with "the Book"  I find something new each time, even when I've read those words before.  Because I change and evolve the meaning of the text changes, because much like me, that book feels very much alive.


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