Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reflections for 1/1/12

Part of my New Year's promise to myself was to get back on track with this blog.  Honestly I'd run out of steam.  It wasn't a matter of not having enough time. I had time just found other things to occupy myself with.  But I realized that I was missing out on something more creative. And while I still like to do what had taken the time away from this writing, I felt it was time to get back to it.  Because part of this for me is prayer time, part of it feeds a need to be thinking.  So for those who've missed it, let's see how long I can keep it up.  For you the reader certainly but for myself as well.

Today was the Feast of the Holy Name.  Frankly it interrupted Christmas for me.  I didn't preach today, but I did think about names and the power of naming.

First there's my name.  While my friends call me Ed, that is of course short for something.  And for those who know me, it is short not for Edward or Edwin, the more common ones, but Edmund a not so common one.
It's an old English name meaning "prosperous protector."  I don't know if it fits me or not.  My parents weren't trying to predict my future.  I'm named after my dad, who was named after his dad.  I stopped the it by naming my first born something different.

Will say that calling me Ed is what those that are close to me do.  The only people that call me Edmund are telemarketers these days.

Aside from our given names, there is also the power of naming something.  If you've created anything you get to name it.  A great part of creative discovery no doubt.

There is also naming something, or calling it out.   By naming something in that way, we get to free ourselves from whatever it is we've named.  Or embrace it as important to who we are.  I think this is also the hardest to do.  When I can name a problem or problematic behavior I release myself from its grip. Or at least begin the process, by deflating its power over me.  A bold step in turning one's life around.

So what does all of this mean for any of us.  We are who we are named.  Those people who created us, namely our parents may or may not have put much thought into it.  What does your name mean?  Does it say something about you, or just honors some member of your family.

Are there things in your life that as 2012 breaks upon us, that need to be named.  Called out and either banished or nourished.  An interesting journey no doubt.


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