Monday, January 2, 2012

Reflections for 1/2/12

Today was the last day of Christmas break. I wish I could say it was a day filled with relaxing fun, but that was not to be the case.  Part of what I'm feeling is still just tired.  Granted I didn't help myself much on New Year's Eve by staying up until 1:30 am New Years Day, not partying but just playing Angry Birds.  I should have been asleep as soon the ball dropped.  But I made a different choice, knowing full well that the alarm would be going off at 6 am, since the next day was Sunday and that is a work day for me.

So here it is Monday.  I slept later than normal 9:15, and then it was time to get people to practice. Go to the gym.  The day was so far not terribly off.  It wasn't until after lunch that the wheels came off.  Part of the problem is just being a parent of teenagers.  The type that always know better than you, whose negotiation skills are superior to yours and when things go oops, your day gets worse.

I don't know why I care about this but I do.  It is the single most frustrating part of being a parent that I know of, days like these.  Granted it isn't every day, but when it happens it just puts me in a really foul mood.

Much like yesterday being the start of a new year, I need to remember that tomorrow is another day.  Perhaps it will be better, perhaps not.  Only tomorrow will tell.


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