Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reflection for December 10, 2014

"He waited seven days, the time appointed by Samuel; but Samuel did not come to Gilgal, and the people began to slip away from Saul."(I Samuel 13:8)

Waiting and being patient are very hard things to do. This is especially true if you were told a specific time to wait and the time arrives but what is supposed to happen doesn't.

It can throw you into a panic.  Think about waiting for someone to come and pick you up or who is supposed to arrive where you are.  The appointed time comes but not the person.  Now we might pick up our cell phone and call if we're running late, or to find out why someone is late.  But if you are old enough to remember life before cell phones, you know what a sinking feeling that is.  Or even now with cell phones if they don't answer.

You might start to take some kind of action, and in fact make things worse.  Where as if you'd waited and been patient what you were hoping for probably would have come.

It is very hard no doubt.  We aren't good at waiting and being patient these days.  Maybe that's one reason we often feel so stressed.


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